Creating a Custom Help Guide for Your CampaignDrive End Users

You can offer end users "Getting Started" guides, organization-specific training materials, field marketing activation ideas, FAQs and more by using CampaignDrive's Custom Help Guide.

You can provide custom help content to End Users in all brands and all regions via the "?" icon on the right side of the top menu bar of every page.

End Users will be able to download your custom help content by clicking the "Download as PDF" button. You can restrict which users can see the "?" icon using permissions (see Roles & Permissions for how to modify permissions). 

How to Create, Edit and Delete Custom Help Content

Custom Help Content is located on the "Help Content" page. Click on the "Help Content" link on the "System" tab of the "Admin" page to get to the "Help Content" page.

To add new help content:

  1. Click the "Add Help Content Section" button
  2. Fill in the form for each help content section(see detailed instructions below)
  3. Click the "SAVE" button

After creating help content, it will be immediately visible to all users (with the correct permission) in all brands and regions.

To edit existing help content:

  1. Click on the "Edit" link next to the help content name on the "Edit Help Content" page
  2. Make your changes on the "Help Content" page
  3. Click the "SAVE" button

To delete help content:

  1. Click on the "Delete" link next to the help content name on the "Help Content" page
  2. Click "Yes" to confirm your action

Help Content: Step by Step

Here is a guide on each of the elements for help content.

Name (Chapter Title)

This name will appear on the first page of the help section as the chapter title under the table of contents.

Description (Optional)

The description will display at the top of the chapter page, above any chapter heading you may have.


Add your content here. You can use HTML and inline CSS to style your help content, including tags for line breaks, images and links.

You can also create headings, subheads, block quotes, etc. using Markdown language. Here is a list of the most common markdown elements you can use when writing your help content:


##Chapter Heading

###Section Heading




For more information on Markdown, please visit the following websites:

Parent Selection

Parent selection allows you to create subsections. Parent sections are listed in the Table of Contents as their own separate item and they, along with their children articles, all appear on the same page.


This will set the display order of the help content sections, with the lowest numbers appearing at the top, or first.


Set this to “Yes” to display the specific article and to “No” to hide but not delete the help content.