Pica9's Creative Professional Services Offerings

Our Professional Services team can partner with your system administrators and do work on behalf of your team in areas like template composition, creating content management strategies, asset tagging and more.

Below are areas where our Professional Services team can do work on behalf of your team:

  • Theme Management
    • Design a new homepage UX/UI
    • Set up custom translations, locales, labels and site parts. 
  • Creation of New Segmentation/Visibility Strategies
    • Develop new workflows using Brands, Regions and Services in conjunction with Locations/Location Groups
    • Create new roles and permission sets for specific user groups
  • Campaign Structure Design & Implementation
    • Create new campaign structures to house templates and assets
  • Template Composition
    • Graphics preparation prior to uploading into the Media Library and templates
    • Creation of customizable print, digital, email or landing page templates
    • Creation of dynamically sized print or digital templates
  • Content Database Design/Implementation
    • Create a new content category structures that works with your templates and populate the content items. 
  • Asset Management
    • Create asset category/categories, upload assets and tag them with metadata. 
  • eCommerce Implementation
    • Implement new vendors and pricing items
  • New Feature Implementation
    • Adapt current system configurations to take advantage of new features that are released. 
  • Custom Reporting
    • Pull reporting on your behalf that is not available in the dashboard or the Reporting tab. (Note: CSM will partner with Development team to confirm if the information is available.)
  • Training & End User Support
    • Lead trainings webinars for your end users or for new system administrators
    • Creation of documentation & video training

Note: These services are outside of the standard CampaignDrive subscription fee offerings. Contact your Customer Success Manager today to discuss setting up a Scope of Work (SOW).