Creating Help Content

Use CampaignDrive's Help Content area to answer your End User's most frequently asked questions.

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Where to Access the Help Content Area

In the Admin area, System Administrators can access the Help content area by going to Admin --> System --> Help Content, underneath the Site Text area. 

End Users will access the Help Content via the ?  icon on the far right side of the Navigation Bar. 

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Required Permissions

To create/edit/delete Help Content, users must have the corresponding permissions: 

  • Can edit help content
  • Can create new help content
  • Can delete help content

The Help Content Area Admin Experience

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By default, the CampaignDrive Help Content area is blank. All content that is made available is created by the System Administrator team. 

In this overall view of the Help Content area, you can :

  • View information associated with each article/section
  • Open a specific article by clicking Edit
  • Remove the article from the backend by clicking Delete

The Help Content Editor

This is the Help Content Section Editor where System Administrators can add/associate content with specific articles/sections. 

When you add a Help Content article/section, you can:

  • Give it a name
  • Determine the "tier" it's placed on and its associated parent article/section,
  • Set its priority/order of display within the list
  • Set whether the article/section is visible to the End User community or not

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The Name (Chapter Title)

The Name/Chapter Title is what appears in the Table of Contents for the parent article

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The Description

The Description appears at the top of the article, like below

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The Content

This is where the content for the article/section itself is stored. System Administrators can add text and images to the content area, as well as links to videos and page URLs. Videos can be externally stored, or referenced in the platform's Media Library instance via the URL created by the Asset URL Generator feature in the Admin area. 

Text can be formatted using the Rich Text Editor. System Administrators can 

  • Bold, italicize, and underline text. 
  • Set the font, font size, and font color
  • Align the text to left, center, or right alignment. 
  • Create an ordered or unordered list. 

Images must first be stored in the Media Library and then the specific asset is referenced in this URL format: 

https://[instance URL]/cd/asset/permalink/id/[asset ID]

System Administrators can determine the height/width of an image and also assign a click-through URL. 

The Parent Section

The Parent Section allows a System Administrator to associate a given article to another article; clicking on the dropdown list shows articles/sections that can act as primary-level/parent articles. All articles are available to act as parents.

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Selecting a primary/parent article/section that is the child of another parent article will make the selected article a tertiary-level article/section. 

The Priority

Within the overall list of articles, or within a specific section of  articles, System Administrators can set the order of how articles will appear using the Priority feature. Articles listed as 1 will show up first, and then proceed in descending order as the number gets larger (i.e. an article with a Priority of 20 will appear last in the list if there are no larger priority numbers present.)

The Display

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The Display feature allows System Administrators to show or hide articles/sections. By Selecting Yes, the article will be visible to End Users; by selecting No, the article will be hidden from End Users but still available to those with edit/delete-level permissions. 

A Sample Help Content Area

A populated Help Content area will look like this on the backend:

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This is the corresponding front-end experience: 

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