Creating Content Groups

How to create a content group for images.


Before creating a new Content Group, the assets must first be uploaded to the Media Library into an Asset Category

  • For Content Groups from Categories, you will need to know the name of the Category. 
  • For Content Groups using an Asset ID, write down the Asset ID for each image. The Asset ID may be found for any asset by going into the Media Library and clicking on the “Information” button for that Asset.

Pro Tips for Content Groups

  • Content Groups can be added and edited, but not deleted
  • Asset IDs and/or Categories added to templates cannot be set to "Admin Only"; otherwise they will not be visible to the end user. 

Creating A New Content Group

  1. Go into ANY template as an administrator on the back end
  2. Click on ANY existing image layer or create a new one and assign an image to the layer.
  3. Select “Content Groups” from the Content Source drop-down menu:Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.27.20 PM

    Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.33.49 PM
  4. Click the "Add or Edit Content Groups" link
    Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.27.34 PM
  5. This opens a menu on the right side of the web page with a list of all Content Groups currently on the system. If there are no Content Groups, nothing will be displayed here except the + Add button: 
    Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.30.49 PM
  6. Click the + Add button to create a new content group. This will open the "Content Groups" form.
  7. Fill in the fields for the form and click "Save Group:"Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.28.19 PM
  8. This will close the "Content Group" form and go back to the list of available content groups.
  9. Close this menu to return to the image layer form.

Samples of Category Content Groups and Asset ID Content Groups

Example of a Category Content Group:

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.35.38 PM


Example of an Asset ID Content Group

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.36.53 PM


Sample of a Category and an Asset ID Content Group in the Content Group Drawer

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 1.37.43 PM