Creating an Intake Area for End User Requests

From time to time, End Users will request new creative or updates to existing creative or data. System Administrators can set up an "intake area" within the system to capture these requests.

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 1.21.31 PM

Over time, End Users will have requests for updated creative and data. There are various workflows and platforms that System Administrators can create to manage these requests. This article discusses how to link those workflows in CampaignDrive so End Users can submit requests from within the platform.

How to Get Started

  • You must have access to a platform that can create shareable links for forms, like or Google Forms. 
  • Create your form with the fields your team will need in order to process the request. 
  • Make sure that your form can output the information submitted into a tabular format for tracking purposes.
  • Make your form accessible on your CampaignDrive platform. Making the form accessible on your platform will require the use of site parts, campaign items, or both. Depending on the look and feel you're trying to achieve, one method may be more appropriate than the other.

An Example

In the example below, a user would click on the campaign item and be directed to a campaign page with a site part that is linked to the form. 

The Campaign:

Clicking on the campaign link will take you to another page (the Campaign Page):

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 4.21.33 PMThe Campaign Page:

This page doesn't have any actual items in it, just a site part at the top with information text on the form and a link to access it. 

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 4.21.22 PM

The External Form:

This is the external form that is accessed when the link is clicked:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 4.22.56 PM

This is the sample form that was attached to the site part. This is a form, but any form that has a shareable link and ideally outputs information to a tabular format will work. 

Note that the form is external to your CampaignDrive platform, so it is important that an appropriate workflow is established to handle these requests.