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  3. Section Style Template Composition/Section Style Groups

How to Tag a Section Style Template to Create an Item Section Style Experience

Applying Content Tags to Section Style Text to create an Item Section Style Template

The first step in creating a Content Item section style experience is to create the section style template. Please refer to the article "Creating Section Style Templates and Groups" for detailed instructions on how to do this. This article is specifically about the process of tagging content for item section styles.

Tagging Content for Item Section Styles

When the section style layout has been completed, tag the text content as follows:

Click the text layer that needs to be tagged to open up the Text Layer Editor:

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.48.10 PM

Highlight the text and click "Add/Edit Tag":

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.48.58 PM

When the tag selector opens, choose "Content" as the type. A form will open up to add information about the tag:

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.50.09 PM

Category: Search or scroll to find the content database category that will be applied to this content.

Index: Choose the index number for this piece of text.

Field: Select the content field from the content category that will be applied to this content.

Use Style Options: These do not apply at this time.

Click "Add" to apply the tag and close the box. The content is now tagged:

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.50.51 PM

Repeat this for all content that needs to be tagged. When the template is complete, there should be content with index numbers up to the template's total slot count.

Make sure to tag all the content first, and then apply formatting (font, font size, color, etc.)

*Note that there are tags that appear in white below that appear against a dark grey background in the final piece. 

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.44.10 PM

Example of an Item Section Style Group

The set below consists of three section style templates. The section style template that will ultimately be displayed on the main template will depend on the number of items the end user wants to display (in this sample their choices would be from 6-7, or 20).

Six Item Layout

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.39.08 PM

Seven Item Layout

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.38.37 PM

20 Item Layout

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 2.42.17 PM