CampaignDrive Glossary: The System Administrator's Edition

Terms and definitions relating to administration of CampaignDrive.

Additional Attributes: These are custom content fields that site admin users can create for additional location and user information that is relevant to the specific organization for use in templates. Site admins can create additional attributes by hand; however, depending on the volume of user records, it's likely that an automated feed will be necessary to keep the additional attributes up to date. 

Admin/Administrator (Site Administrator): This a user whose permissions allow them access to the administrative functions in CampaignDrive, such as creating templates and managing users, locations, assets, etc. This person typically sits on a field marketing team and has a broad knowledge of how their specific organization uses and desires to use CampaignDrive.

Admin area: Section of the site that is not available to end users. This area houses all site administrative functions such as reporting, the staging areas where admins build campaign structures and build and test templates, vendor pick up areas, etc.

AL Compose/UI Compose/Studio Compose ("composer")/Template Editor: The CampaignDrive terms for the interface that layout based templates are created in.

API Credentials: See Payment Credentials.

Approval loop: The process a document, an order, or a user request for an account goes through in order to become approved. Approval requests can be sent back for revisions, or modified and approved by a designated approver. (See Segmented Approval)

Approved document: A document that is available to be downloaded,  emailed or printed without a watermark. If there is an active approval loop, an approved document is one that has been approved by a document approver. If there is no approval loop in place, a document is considered approved from the moment it is "Finished".

Asset: A standalone file that can be uploaded to CampaignDrive that does not require additional customization. For example, a photo, logo, Word doc, Excel doc, PowerPoint doc, movie or sound file, etc. Assets can be downloaded from the Media Library or added to a campaign and be downloaded.  Depending on the asset type, assets may be downloaded with a different filetype from the original. Assets may also be re-sized when downloaded (up to their original size). Assets within campaigns may also be ordered (See Pricing Items).

Asset Management: In CampaignDrive terms the act of managing any standalone asset - uploading, tagging, etc.  Also refers to the section in the Admin area where new asset categories are created.

Asset Category: Asset categories are folders created in the admin area to group assets stored in the Media Library. Asset categories may be nested inside other categories to create a hierarchical folder structure.

Asset Type: A designation in CampaignDrive given to different file extensions. By default two asset types are enabled at implementation: Image and Files. The asset type determines how CampaignDrive will recognize and handle the file extension.

Back end: "Back end" refers to behind-the-screens technology which administers tasks or processes (such as database inventory management). Typically accessed through the admin page. This is opposed to the "Front End" where end users interact with configured version of CampaignDrive.

Batch: A setting enabled at the campaign level to enable end users to create multiple templates at once.  Used in conjunction with the form builder.

Billing Account: A type of payment process where users have an account that is invoiced for payments. One of the two types of payments allowed in CampaignDrive. The other is credit card ordering.

Brand: CampaignDrive organizes customizable marketing collateral by brand. Each brand will have its own set of templates, campaign structure and visual theme. Templates from one brand cannot be copied to another brand. 

Campaign: A collection of templates presented to field users as organized by an admin. Campaigns can be organized by marketing type (flyers, postcards, billboards), by sales initiatives (Summer Savings, Holiday Giveaways), or by some other initiative (Welcome Kits, Winback Incentives, Customer Loyalty Programs) to make it easy for field users to find the marketing material they need.

Campaign Management: The act of organizing content in CampaignDrive for visibility on the front end. Also refers to the area in the admin section where campaigns are created, managed and deleted.

Campaign Template: For layout-based templates (print and digital): the template version that is visible to end users within a campaign. 

Clone: A copy of a master or campaign template. Not to be confused with "reuse" which is how an end user creates a copy of a document to create a different version of it, cloning is done in the back end by an admin user.

Clone to Master: The feature in CampaignDrive that allows a template composer to create a master template from a campaign template.

Collateral Type: A field used to define the type of content when adding any type of content to a campaign. At least one collateral type must be selected.  Collateral types are used in search and reporting functions.

Content: Information stored and used as a part of the content management system. In CampaignDrive, content is anything that is added by the customer or customer admin that is not a part of the actual code base. This includes user and location information, assets, templates, documents, site parts, email lists, information stored in the item content database, etc. Each customer has a separate set of databases to hold content for their instance. Content can be added via a nightly feed from their corporate database or added manually in CampaignDrive.

Content Category: A defined set of content fields stored in the content database. Content categories are created by admins and can be populated manually or via a single or recurring feed.

Content Database: The content database is the area of CampaignDrive where custom data sets are stored for use in templates. 

Content Field: The individual fields that make up a set of data for a content category.  There are 4 types of content fields: image, multiple image, text and multiple text.

Content Group: A content management method for images which assigns one or more assets or asset categories to an image layer within a template.

Content Item: One unique data set within a content category, a content item contains the data for each field within the category.

Content Link: Created in a template by an admin to connect one or more content database categories to a template.

Content Management: In CampaignDrive, a set of features that collects, stores, manages and serves up customer information, such as user name, location, images, headlines, etc. to be used in customizable templates.

Creative Analysis: A document that details the design specifications for each image and piece of text  as well as the technical instructions for what is editable by field users, what will be automatically populated for the field user and from what content management source; also refers to the analysis and discussion with the customer's designers to produce the creative analysis so that the resulting templates can be designed in the most efficient way and utilize CampaignDrive features properly.

Credentials: A user name and password combination that will allow you access into an application. Credentials are required when you log into CampaignDrive from the log in screen or via logging in via SSO.

Credit Card Ordering: One of the two methods that admins can enable as part of the eCommerce workflow. The other method is Billing Accounts. 

CSS: A scripting language that provides the styling for websites. See "Themes" for how to customize CampaignDrive's CSS.

DAM (Digital Asset Management): The storage of digital assets in an application or system that allows users to find and use the assets. CampaignDrive has its own DAM (CD-DAM) or can be integrated with an external DAM, to provide assets to field users to download and share, and also to allow assets to be used in template composition by designers and in document customization by field users. CampaignDrive can only be hooked up to a single DAM, whether it’s CampaignDrive's CD-DAM or an external DAM and this can only be done by a developer.

Doc (document): In CampaignDrive, any generated PDF file whether approved or not.

Document Approver: The person who decides whether a document submitted for approval by a document creator should be approved for use. The document approver can give instructions to the document creator on what needs to be corrected in the document, or the document approver can modify the document and then approve it. Document approvers will have different permissions than end users, but might not have full admin access.

Document Creator: Anyone who is creating a customized template from the front end of Campaign Drive. 

Draft (saved draft): A version of a partially edited document that document creators can load and continue to edit. Drafts are saved inside the template compose environment and accessed from the users document page.

Draft document (draft PDF): A completed but unapproved PDF that document creators can send for approval. When viewing or downloading draft PDFs, “Draft” of “Pending” watermarks prevent end users from printing locally or commercially. Draft documents are only applicable when approval loops are used.

Dynamic Sizing: A CampaignDrive tool that allows end users to create multiple sized documents from a single interface.

eCommerce: A term for the set of features that, once configured, will allow end users to order collateral directly from CampaignDrive.

End User: The user who will be interacting with the front end of CampaignDrive. The typical end user does not have access to the admin page, approval, vendor pickup or other advanced or specialized access. The vast majority of our users are end users, while only a handful of users are Admins. End users may be external to the company or internal.

Form Builder: An optional interface that creates a form based end user experience. Form builder can be used with batch to enable end users to create multiple templates at the same time. Not all content management options are available in form based templates.

Feed: An automated transfer of data from one system to another. CampaignDrive uses feeds to import customer information such as locations, users, images, etc. usually on a schedule, for example, nightly, instead of real time.

Field User: See end user. 

Front End: The interface an end user sees when coming to CampaignDrive via traditional login or SSO.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The markup language used to create web pages.

HTML-based (Data-based): A CampaignDrive term for a template that is created using HTML code rather than a layout. 

HTML Template: In CampaignDrive, an imported HTML file that a template composer has customized in HTML Composer to allow end users to create localized versions.

Item Section Style: A section style type that allows an end user in a template to pick from a range of content items within a content database category. 

Label: In CampaignDrive, the text that appears near an element on a web page. Admins can change labels in CampaignDrive so every instance of the word "asset" (for example) can be replaced with the word "image".

Launch: The time when a customer's field users will be able to start using CampaignDrive. See also "soft launch".

Layer: In CampaignDrive, a piece of text or image content in a template.

Layout-Based: A term for a template that is created using CampaignDrive's template composer.

Library Size: The dimensions of a template used to create a dynamic size set.

Library Template: One of a set of templates used by admins to create the dynamic sizing experience. A Designer will create each of the library templates required for dynamically sized generation of all sizes in between..

Lightbox/Boards: A feature in CampaignDrive that will send an email to a recipient with a link to a landing page from which the recipient can download assets from CampaignDrive. The sender controls how long the assets are available via the landing page and the recipient does not need to have an account in CampaignDrive.

Location: in CampaignDrive, the location is the content stored in the Location table. This typically represents the field user's physical address, but not always. Users must be tied to at least one location. The location determines what materials are visible to the user.

Location Group: A segmentation tool within CampaignDrive that allows admins to define a certain number of locations together to streamline certain areas of content management. Location groups are also used in some reporting functions.

Location Section Style: A section style type that allows the end user to select from multiple locations or a location that is different from their assigned location.

Location Table: The area in CampaignDrive that stores the location information records. 

Master Template: A layout based template (print or digital) that will be the basis of other templates; a copy of the master template is added to one or more campaigns. The copy is referred to as a campaign template.  Note that changes made to the master template do not affect campaign templates and changes made to campaign templates do not affect the master template. Master templates are not visible to end users.

Media Library: In CampaignDrive, the graphical user interface for the DAM on a CampaignDrive application, accessible via a button in the top menu bar of every page in CampaignDrive.  End user access to the Media Library is optional and can be controlled by admins using roles and permissions. Most CampaignDrive applications use AL-CD, Marriott's applications use MDAM, and some applications use other DAMs, such as Widen DAM.

Modify & Approve: the steps in the approval loop that allow the document approver to make changes to the document themselves as opposed to rejecting the document and forcing the document creator to redo it.

Orderable Merchandise: In CampaignDrive, branded promotional materials such as hats, t-shirts, pens, water bottles, floor mats, etc. as well as non-customizable printed pieces such as calendars, order forms, etc. available for purchase by end users.

Payment Credentials (API Credentials): Set of data required to set up a vendor on CampaignDrive to accept credit card payments. Payment credentials require the following: Payment Vendor, Endpoint, User Key (may also called pin number), API Key (may also be called source key).

Pending: A document status for a document that has been submitted to the document approver for approval. In CampaignDrive, pending PDF documents have a "Pending" watermark on them that will prevent users from printing them.

Permissions: Specific controls that can be turned on and off to allow access to a particular area or function within CampaignDrive. Permissions are set for roles and assigned to users.

Pixelation: The undesirable effect of being able to see the individual pixels in a bitmap image that has been enlarged.

Placeholder: In CampaignDrive, dummy text or image meant to be replaced by an end user creating a localized version of a document.

Pricing Item: In CampaignDrive, a pricing item is created to define a cost structure for an orderable item. Pricing items must be then be attached to an item from within a campaign to activate ordering of that item.

POD (Print on Demand): In CampaignDrive, a feature that allows field users to place orders for their localized documents.

Profile: A section in CampaignDrive where the user can modify their personal information.

Redo (redo step): The step in the approval loop where the document creator makes revisions to their rejected document.

Regions: Regions segment material within a brand - materials assigned to a region will only be visible to locations within that region. Regions are mandatory in the regard that each location must be assigned a region and can only be assigned to a single region (although this region can be changed).  However, regions are optional as a segmentation tool. Upon implementation, CampaignDrive will automatically assign "Global" region to all locations. Regions segment materials at the campaign level only.

Reuse: Creating a copy of a document in order to create a different version of it. Not to be confused with "clone" which is creating a copy of a master or campaign template to produce a different version of the template itself.

Role(s): Permission settings that define the level of access for a group of users.  A certain number of default roles are created when the site is implemented and these can be modified by admins. Note - a role cannot be edited by a person currently assigned to that role.

Section Style(s): A CampaignDrive feature that allows for multiple layouts in specified portion of a template such as allowing for different number of locations or products to be displayed.  Section styles work with content management to customize information on templates.

Section Style Group: A set of section style templates combined to create the section style experience on a template.

Section Style Template: A template used to define a layout for a section style. Section style templates are grouped together to create a section style group.

Self-Registration: An optional feature that allows end users to register and gain immediate access to the system.

Segmented Approval: ✍️🖍️

Services: In CampaignDrive, an optional way to segment marketing collateral independent of region. Multiple services can be assigned to campaign materials and a single service can be assigned to asset categories and assets. Services can be assigned at the template level or campaign level and can be assigned to locations, assets and asset categories.

Shopping Cart: An optional feature that can be enabled to allow orders to be placed directly to a vendor from CampaignDrive.

Site Parts: A proprietary CampaignDrive feature that allows an admin to add custom content (such as instructional or descriptive copy, branded images, and links to other CampaignDrive pages and external sites) to the top of almost any page in CampaignDrive.

Slot Order: Used in conjunction with section styles to define when the section style template should be displayed.

Stakeholder: Anyone who may affect or be affected by a decision, an activity, or an outcome.

SSO (Single Sign-On): A session/user authentication process that permits a user to enter one name and password in order to access multiple applications. For example, a user clicks on a link from her intranet and is automatically signed into CampaignDrive without having to log in with her CampaignDrive credentials.

System-generated Email: an email generated and sent out automatically by the system, for example, confirmation emails for approvals and orders.

Tag(s)/Tagging: CampaignDrive method for auto-populating content on a template.

Template: in CampaignDrive, a piece of marketing collateral created by designers from which field users can create local versions.

Template Composer: Someone on the admin team who creates customizable templates in the back end. The template composer is often a designer, but does not have to be.  The template composer will have some level of admin permission and access.

Terms and Conditions (T & C): An optional tool that may be used to regulate any terms and conditions the customer wishes. T& C is displayed when a user first enters the site and everytime thereafter, depending on the settings.

Theme: The set of colors (and/or fonts) used to define a brand.

Theme Manager: The area of the site where themes are created and updated.

Thumb & Pop (thumbnail and pop-up display): A set of images generated by CampaignDrive that visually represent templates, documents, merchandise orderables, etc. The thumbnail is the on-page image and the pop-up occurs when you click on the image.

Translations: A feature in CampaignDrive that allows admins to change site text as well as text in system-generated email to another language or to alternate wording in the same language.

User Table: the area in CampaignDrive where individual user records are stored. Users must be tied to at least one location, location group or brand.

Unique Identifier: a unique sequence of numbers and/or letters that identifies, for example, a user in a group of users or a location in a group of locations. Once created, unique identifiers cannot be changed. In CampaignDrive, user email address is a unique identifier; you cannot have two users with the same email address and you cannot change the email address once it's created.

Usage rights: in CampaignDrive, a document that explicitly grants use of an asset by the photographer or owner and details the way the asset can be used and for how long. Assets without a usage rights document are deemed to be royalty free.

Vendor: An outside source that has been set up to accept orders from CampaignDrive. This is often defined with a special role in CampaignDrive to allow limited access for order fulfillment.