CampaignDrive Glossary: The Designer's Edition

Terms and definitions related to template and design in CampaignDrive.

AL Compose/UI Compose/Studio Compose ("composer"): The CampaignDrive terms for the interface that layout based templates are created in.

Align (alignment): In CampaignDrive, this refers specifically to text alignment in text boxes, which can be set to left, middle, right or justified.

Aspect Ratio: The proportional relationship between an image's width and its height expressed as "x:y" where x = width and y = height. In CampaignDrive, the aspect ratio for an image layer is maintained: when you resize an image during template composition, it is still x units wide and y units high no matter how large or small you adjust the image size.

Asset: A standalone file that can be uploaded to CampaignDrive that does not require additional customization. For example, a photo, logo, Word doc, Excel doc, PowerPoint doc, movie or sound file, etc. Assets can be downloaded from the Media Library or added to a campaign and be downloaded.  Depending on the asset type, assets may be downloaded with a different filetype from the original. Assets may also be re-sized when downloaded (up to their original size). Assets within campaigns may also be ordered (See Pricing Items).

Asset ID: The number assigned to any asset uploaded into the Media Library.  The system identifies all assets using their asset ID. Asset IDs are searchable.

Bitmap: An image file format that uses pixels to represent the digital image. When a bitmap image is enlarged, the pixels can be seen ("pixelated"). GIF, PNG, TIFF, and JPEG all use bitmap file formats. See also "raster graphics" and pixelation".

Bleed ("bleed and trim"): In printing, the additional area outside of the document size to account for minor variances in paper alignment during the printing process. Images that are to be printed to the very edge of the paper should be positioned on the canvas so that the image extends into the bleed. This ensures that there are no gaps between the image and the edge of the page when it is trimmed. CampaignDrive uses a default bleed of .125", which can be adjusted in Document Settings.

Canvas: In design, the area that includes all the elements (text and images) for the final output. In CampaignDrive, the canvas in studio composer is shown as a white box which is adjustable in "Document Settings." Not to be confused with HTML5 canvas element, which provides a way to present shapes in the browser using JavaScript.

Clone: A copy of a master or campaign template created to produce a different version of it. Not to be confused with "reuse" which is how an end user creates a copy of a document to create a different version of it, cloning is done in the back end by an admin user.

Clone to Master: The feature in CampaignDrive that allows a template composer to create a master template from a campaign template.

Content Group: A content management method for images which assigns one or more assets or asset categories to an image layer within a template.

Content Link: A content management method for images and text to connect one or more content database categories to a template.

Content Lock: A function in CampaignDrive that restricts the end users ability to interact with that object at all. Both text and images may be content locked, effectively rendering them static on the template.

Content Management: In CampaignDrive, a set of features that collects, stores, manages and serves up customer information, such as user name, location, images, headlines, etc. to be used in customizable templates.

Content Source: A setting in an image layer to allow template composers to choose the content management, and therefore the customization options, of an image layer.

Creative Analysis: A document that details the design specifications for each image and piece of text  as well as the technical instructions for what is editable by field users, what will be automatically populated for the field user and from what content management source; also refers to the analysis and discussion with the customer's designers to produce the creative analysis so that the resulting templates can be designed in the most efficient way and utilize CampaignDrive features properly.

Crop/Cropping: A process for images that is used to select only a portion of an image. In CampaignDrive, cropping may be enabled for images to allow end users the ability to select all or just a portion of an image.

Crop Marks: Marks placed at the corners of a print document, outside of the printed area, that indicate where the paper is to be trimmed. In CampaignDrive, there is an option to allow users to download approved PDFs with crop marks, making it suitable for commercial printers only, or without crop marks, which removes any bleed and provides a document at the page size.

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black)): Four-color printing process that combines four primary ink colors (cyan blue, magenta red, yellow and black or "key") to create every color in a printed piece. In CampaignDrive, CMYK is expressed as xx|xx|xx|xx where "xx" = the percentage of color in use from 0% to 100%, so white is 0|0|0|0 and black is 100|100|100|100. See also "spot color". Note that CMYK values in CampaignDrive may only be expressed in whole numbers - no decimal places.

Dynamic Sizing: A CampaignDrive tool that allows end users to create multiple sized documents from a single interface.

  • Library Size: The dimensions of a template used to create a dynamic size set.  
  • Library Template: One of a set of templates used by admins to create the dynamic sizing experience. A Designer will create each of the library templates required for dynamically sized generation of all sizes in between.
  • Sizing Rules: A set of rules for logic to be applied to the page elements within a library size template. 

EPS (encapsulated Postscript): An image file format that uses vectors to render the image. EPS files typically can be scaled infinitely without resolution loss. This is a typical format for logos.

Font: In typography, the characteristics of a typeface that includes the a) size expressed in points (with 72 pts. to an inch), b) weight (for example, light, medium, bold, book, heavy, black, etc.) and c) style of a typeface. An example of a font is: 12 pt. Helvetica bold italics. Not to be confused with computer font which is a set of computer files that allows a computer to render fonts on screen and in PDFs.

Font Repository: The storage location for fonts used in CampaignDrive platforms. Fonts must be added to the repository by a developer who will check for compatibility and completeness in the font set.

Headline: The most prominent piece of copy in a template. In CampaignDrive, the headline can be placeholder text styled by a designer for field users to edit during document creation.

Hero Image: The most prominent image in a template. In CampaignDrive, the hero image can be a placeholder image selected and positioned by a designer for field users to change during document creation.

HEX Color: The six-character code that represents RGB color to display on a computer screen (as opposed to printing). The first two characters represent red, the second pair is green and the final pair is blue. The characters themselves are based on the base-16 system to represent the gamut of colors available, and include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, a, b, c, d, e, f. Black is #000000 and at the other end of the spectrum, white is FFFFF. Red is FF000, green is 00FF00 and blue is 0000FF. See also "RGB".

Image Layer: A layer in a template that holds image content.

IDML (InDesign Markup Language) file: A proprietary file format from Adobe InDesign. IDML files can be exported from InDesign as an IDML package and then imported into CampaignDrive as master print templates.

InDesign: A proprietary page layout design program from Adobe. 

JPG/JPEG : A raster digital image file format. CampaignDrive's print composer can produce JPEG files in addition to, or in lieu of, PDF files. JPEG is also the file format used for export for digital layout templates.

Kerning: in typography, the spacing between two characters, as opposed to tracking, which is the character spacing over a range of characters. CampaignDrive does not support kerning.

Layer: In CampaignDrive, a piece of text or image content in a template.

Local Marketing: Marketing that benefits a local affiliate of a larger organization, for example, a franchise restaurant or a branch office of a bank.

Leading: In typography, the amount of space between two lines of text. In CampaignDrive, the template composer can set the leading in text layers by using the "Line Spacing" drop-down.

Ligature: In typography, a letter produced from the combination of two different letters, for example, ae, Th and fi, such as commonly seen in pre-20th century publications. CampaignDrive cannot natively produce ligatures, but they can be added by special request.

Line spacing: See "leading".

Logo: A trademarked image used to represent a company.

Master Template: A layout based template (print or digital) that will be the basis of other templates; a copy of the master template is added to one or more campaigns. The copy is referred to as a campaign template.  Note that changes made to the master template do not affect campaign templates and changes made to campaign templates do not affect the master template. Master templates are not visible to end users.

Media Library: In CampaignDrive, the graphical user interface for the DAM on a CampaignDrive application, accessible via a button in the top menu bar of every page in CampaignDrive.  End user access to the Media Library is optional and can be controlled by admins using roles and permissions. Most CampaignDrive applications use AL-CD, Marriott's applications use MDAM, and some applications use other DAMs, such as Widen DAM.

Page Background Color: In CampaignDrive, a specific color designated for use in page backgrounds. This color is set in the admin area and will be available for use in any template where it is allowed. This setting is separate from the colors used for type.

Preview: The function in the compose environment that allows both end users and admin users to review the finished document prior to exiting the compose environment. 

PDF (Portable Document Format): A proprietary file format by Adobe that preserves attributes such as fonts, color, formatting, graphics, etc. of a source document no matter which application, platform, and hardware type was originally used to create it. In CampaidnDrive, also the format used for any vector-based object in a template.

Pixel: In digital images, the smallest square of color that makes up the image.

Pixelation: The undesirable effect of being able to see the individual pixels in a bitmap image that has been enlarged.

Placeholder: In CampaignDrive, dummy text or image meant to be replaced by an end user creating a localized version of a document.

Position Lock: A feature in CampaignDrive that allows template composers to lock content in place on a template. For images, this also sets the cropping parameters.

POD (Print on Demand): In CampaignDrive, a feature that allows field users to place orders for their localized documents.

Raster Graphics: A method of representing a digital image by using a grid of pixels. Unlike vector graphics, raster graphics can NOT be enlarged without losing quality. See also "bitmap" and "pixelation".

Rasterization (rasterize): The process of converting a digital image from a vector graphic to a bitmap image.

RGB (red, green, blue): The method by which colors are displayed on a computer screen (as opposed to printing) which combines three primary colors (red, green and blue) to create every color digitally. RGB can be expressed in a number of ways, including hexadecimal (red = FF0000, see "hex color"), as a percentage of red, green and blue (red = 100%, 0%, 0%) and as integers (red = 255, 0, 0).

Royalty free: In CampaignDrive, an asset that does not have a usage rights document restricting how it can be used.

Scalable (text): A proprietary method in CampaignDrive that controls the behavior of text to allow it to be scaled up or down within a text area, providing better fit for both short and long phrases for the same text area. The template composer sets the smallest, medium and largest font sizes for the text layer and CampaignDrive will scale the text to best fit the copy to the slot.

Section Style(s): A CampaignDrive feature that allows for multiple layouts in specified portion of a template such as allowing for different number of locations or products to be displayed.  Section styles work with content management to customize information on templates.

Section Style Group: A set of section style templates combined to create the section style experience on a template.

Section Style Template: A template used to define a layout for a section style. Section style templates are grouped together to create a section style group.

Slots: See "layer".

Special Characters: Any character that can be inputted by a keyboard but is not included in the basic alphanumeric A-Z, a-z, 0-9. Special characters include the copyright symbol and currency as well as foreign and accented characters such as tildes, umlauts, etc.

Spot Color: In printing, any color generated by a pre-mixed ink color. Spot colors are generally printed in a single run as opposed to four-color printing, which mixes four primary colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) to produce all colors in the printed piece. CampaignDrive currently does not support spot colors except as a CMYK/hex equivalent.

Tag(s)/Tagging: CampaignDrive method for auto-populating content on a template.

Template: In CampaignDrive, a piece of marketing collateral created by designers from which field users can create local versions. There are three template categories created from two template types.

Template Categories:

  • Digital: A layout template based in pixels with a jpeg output file.
  • HTML: A template created from uploaded HTML code that produces a downloadable HTML file package.
  • Print: A layout template based in inches or millimeters with options for PDF or jpg output.

Template Types:

  • HTML-based (Data-based): A CampaignDrive term for a template that is created using HTML code rather than a layout.
  • Layout Template: In CampaignDrive, a template made from image and text layers.

Template Composer: Someone on the admin team who creates customizable templates in the back end. The template composer is often a designer, but does not have to be.  The template composer will have some level of admin permission and access. Also sometimes the term used to refer to the template composition environment in CampaignDrive.

Template Composition: The construction of a template (or a group of templates) in CampaignDrive that creates the default template a field user can create a localized document from.

Text Layer (Text Box): A layer in template compose that holds text content.

Text Layer Font and Background Color: In CampaignDrive, a specific color that is specified for use in coloring text and text boxes. This is set separately from the page background color.

Tracking: In typography, the character spacing over a range of characters, as opposed to kerning, which is spacing between two characters. CampaignDrive supports tracking imported from IDML import and within the source code editor, but does not currently have an admin interface to adjust tracking values.

Typeface: In typography, the family of fonts comprised of all the variations of that set of fonts, for example, Helvetica typeface includes the fonts Helvetica Light and Helvetica Bold.

User Options: A set of controls in an image layer that determine how an end user can interact with that layer.

  • Can Crop: The user may crop the selected image.
  • Can Upload: The user may upload an image from their computer for use in the template.
  • Must Change: When enabled, the user cannot complete the document without changing the default image.

Vector Graphics: A method of representing a digital image by using coordinates. Unlike raster graphics, vector graphics can be enlarged without losing quality.

Vertical: In CampaignDrive, this specifically refers to alignment in text boxes. Text can be set to be top, middle or bottom within the text box. 

Visible on Print (OFF): An option that allows template composers to set text and image layers to be visible to users when they are creating their document but to exclude these layers in the final output. This a function which must be activated during template creation.

Watermark: large letters (for example, “DRAFT”, “PENDING”, "EXPIRED") that appear on a draft document that obscures copy and images, used to prevent the document creator from printing or otherwise using the document until it has been approved by the document approver. The watermark is removed when the document is approved.