Introduction to Campaign Management

Campaigns are the heart of the CampaignDrive organizational structure.  Campaigns present the templates and assets to your End Users and templates must reside in a campaign to be visible to End Users. Think of campaigns as folders that group together sets of materials in a logical structure. Campaigns may be nested inside other campaigns to create sub-groups and can reside together with assets and templates, creating an extremely flexible system. 

Site Wide-Campaign Structure Considerations

Before ever creating a campaign within your system, you should put considerable thought into setting up a meaningful campaign structure. These are some considerations to take into account when designing a campaign structure:

  • Easy to search
  • Logical groups
  • Materials organized in a way that your users are already familiar with or can easily understand
  • Labeled (named) in a consistent, logical manner
  • Sustainable 
  • Expandable

How Campaigns are Displayed to the End User

Campaigns are accessed by clicking on the “Campaigns” link in the navigation bar; campaigns will appear in a double-column format as a clickable tile with information about the campaign located within the tile. This is the same format used to display Campaign Items (templates and assets) and nested campaigns within Campaigns.  The “stacked” tiles shown in the following screenshot indicate that these are Campaigns with other items inside them. Individual templates and assets will be shown without the “stacked” effect.

Campaign Management Pro Tips

  • Campaigns may be nested within other campaigns, but they may only be associated to a single parent campaign at any given time.
  • If a campaign is removed from another campaign (“un-nested”) it will appear as a top level campaign on the campaigns page.
  • To remove a campaign completely, you must delete it from the Campaign Management page.
  • When a campaign is deleted, the items within it are not deleted, just removed from the campaign association.
  • To organize the order that campaigns appear, use the “priority order” number in Campaign Management.  
  • Campaigns with the same priority order appear in alphabetical order.
  • Campaigns and the content within them cannot be copied or duplicated. To create a copy, you will need to create a new campaign and associate the content.
  • Campaigns are not visible until they contain content.