Overview of Campaign Item Management

This is an overview of working with campaign items on the Campaign Information Page.

Introduction to Campaign Item Management

Campaign Items are the materials stored within a Campaign. Campaign items may be one of three types:

  • Templates (print, digital or HTML templates)
  • Static assets (images, video, documents, ZIP files)
  • Subcampaigns

Campaign items are added to the Campaign Information page via the "Add New" button in the upper right corner of the page.

Campaign Page Front-End View

Here is what the campaign looks like on the front end to the End User. Notice that the campaign button has a “stacked” background, which indicates that there are additional materials inside it. The information displayed inside each information box is added as part of the Campaign Item information (accessed via the Gear icon).

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 5.02.16 PM

Parts of the Campaign Items on the Campaign Information Page

This image shows a campaign with a sample of each of the three Campaign Item types: a sub-campaign, a print template, an HTML template, a dynamically sized template, and an asset.
Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 4.54.29 PM

Each item has its own line on the page. Items may be re-ordered by clicking and dragging on the dotted bar to the left of the Active/Inactive line.

  • Status Bar: Indicates active/inactive status. If this item is a campaign, it is set by start/end date within the Campaign Management page OR by having no items inside it. If it is a template or asset, it is set by the start/end date set within the settings on this page (see next section).
  • Name: Name of the asset, template, or sub-campaign. If this item is a template, the name is a link to edit the template. If the item is a campaign, the name is a link to the campaign. If the item is an asset, there is no link. In the image above, the first item is a subcampaign, the second item is a template and the last item is an asset.
  • Description: Campaign Items have descriptions, just like campaigns do. This information is edited within the information form on the right side of the page (see next section).
  • Action Buttons:
    • Clock: This feature "expires" all the documents made from that template before expiration. Expired documents will be rendered unusable from a download/ordering perspective and End Users will be required to recreate their documents using the updated template. System Administrators can expire print templates, digital templates and non-publishable HTML templates. 
    • Trash Can:  Deletes the asset/template from the campaign (but not from the system). If the item is a sub-campaign, the trash can removes the association from the two campaigns,  and the sub-campaign is made a top-level campaign. 
    • Gear:  Opens the campaign item area to edit information about the template/asset. 

Assigning Campaigns to a Campaign Item

  • When a campaign is nested under another campaign, a link to that campaign is created and displayed to the End User. 
  • When an asset is associated with a campaign, a link is created to this asset within the Media Library.
  • When an HTML template is associated with a campaign, a link is created to the template which is stored in the HTML Templates table.
  • For print and digital layout templates, a new/separate version of the template is made upon assigning a template to a campaign. This is called a "campaign template", which is stored in the Campaign Templates tab of the Layout Template Composition table. Once this new template is created, it has no association with the original Master template, and changing one will not affect the other. These templates may be accessed from either the Campaign Templates table or from the link within the Campaign Item page.

Editing Campaign Items

  • If a print/digital campaign template is edited, updates apply to just that campaign template.
  • If an HTML template is edited, it is edited in all place the template appears

Cloning  Campaign Items

  • Cloning a template (print, digital or HTML) creates a copy in the same campaign.
  • Cloning a dynamic ad library size that is assigned to a campaign item creates a copy within the dynamic ad set
  • Cloning a longform template that is assigned to a campaign item creates a copy within the longform template group. 
  • To organize groups of templates or assets within a campaign, additional campaigns need to be created as top-level campaigns and then added as subcampaigns to a campaign to create the nested structure. 

Removing Campaign Items from Campaigns

  • If a campaign is removed from another campaign (“un-nested”) it will appear as a top-level campaign on the campaigns page in the global priority order.
  • If a template is removed, it will appear in the “Print Template” table with N/A in the campaign column and the only options available are “Clone to Master” or “delete.” To save the template, clone it to a Master. To remove it completely, delete it.
  • If an asset is removed, it remains in the Media Library.
  • If an HTML template is removed, it remains in the HTML Templates table
  • If a Dynamic Template Library Size or a Longform Template is deleted from the campaign item, then the template will be deleted from Campaign and Layout Template Composition.