Campaign Item Information Form: Key Information for Layout and HTML Items

This section will provide details about the Key Information section of the Campaign Item Information form for layout-based and HTML item types.

The Key Information is the first section of the form, which will provide details about the item type, how it is searched for, and the visibility both in time and to whom. This article details the Key Information section of the form for "Layout Based" item types: print and digital templates and HTML templates.

Key Information Form - Layout-Based/HTML 

Updated Key Information Screenshot

Key Information Field Descriptions for Layout-Based and HTML Items

Item Type: Select the type of item you want to add. This selection will determine what is displayed in the rest of the form.

  • Print- templates from the print template builder
  • Digital templates - from the digital template builder
  • HTML templates - from the HTML template builder
  • Assets - from the Media Library

Dynamically Sized: This slider is used only with layout-based items and will enable the dynamic sizing User Interface on the front end. Any Master layout template may be used for dynamic sizing. The slider is locked for HTML items and not visible for Asset items.Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 1.20.18 PM

Important: If a print template is going to be dynamically sized, this MUST be selected when the template is added initially, it cannot be added when editing the Content Item later.

Longform Template: This slider is used only with layout-based items and will enable the Longform User Interface on the front end. Any Master layout template may be used for longform templates. The slider is locked for HTML items and not visible for Asset items.Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 4.23.08 PM

Important: If a print template is going to be dynamically sized, this MUST be selected when the template is added initially, it cannot be added when editing the Content Item later.

Collateral Type: This field is used to place the item within a standard group of materials to assist End Users in search functions. It will appear above the Item Name in the template button on the front end.

Master Template: Select a template from the drop-down list.  The templates shown available will be ones on the Master Templates tab on the Layout Template Composition or the HTML Template Composition page in the Admin area of your system, depending on the template type you have selected.

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 1.23.33 PM

For layout-based templates, once they have been added to the campaign, they will show up under the second tab Campaign Templates. In the case of HTML templates, a link is made to the original template - there is no “campaign” template created.  

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 1.24.06 PM

Start and End Date; Used to show/hide the template.  If left blank, the template will be visible.

ROI: Used for reporting purposes. 

Require Approval: If turned on, this template will need to be approved.  

Available to Services: Select the services which should be able to access this template.  If no service is selected AND the campaign is available to all services, this template will be visible to everyone.