User Experience Design Options: "I want my End User to..."

CampaignDrive offers System Administrators/Template Installers many levels of customizations within its UI and workflows. Below are ways that System Administrators and Template Installers can configure experiences for End Users.

User Registration/Log In Experience

The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want End Users to automatically gain access to CampaignDrive Turn on "Auto Approval" under User Registration --> Registration Settings System Configuration
I want End Users to agree to a Terms and Conditions document before gaining access to CampaignDrive Activate a Terms and Conditions document and determine who must re-accept (whether they re-accept every time they log in, or only after the first log in. System Configuration

Home Page Options

The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want End Users to be able to view Campaigns and search for templates Enable the permissions "Can view campaigns" and "Can search for templates" User Permission
I want End Users to be able to see the Media library, search assets and be able to download assets Enable the permissions "Can search assets" and "Can download assets from the Media Library" User Permission
I want End Users to be able to see their previously created documents Enable the permission "Can view Manage Documents page" User Permission
I want End Users to be able to see their orders Enable the permission "Can place order for print on demand" User Permission
I want End Users to be able to Favorite materials Enable the permission "Can view Favorites" and ensure End Users know to click the heart icon to favorite a material. User Permission
I want End Users to be able to upload materials to a Board to share with other users. Enable the permission "Can manage boards" User Permission
I want End Users to be able to access Help Content Enable the permission "Can view help content" and add articles to the Help Content module.  User Permission + Article Set Up
I want End Users to be able to manage their profile details Enable the permission "Can manage My Profile" User Permission
I want End Users to be able to switch the language of their CampaignDrive experience Enable an alternate locale and create a set of translations/labels for locales. System Configuration
I want a select group of End Users to see the Dashboard Enable the permission "Can view dashboard reporting" User Permission
I want a vendor to pickup materials for orders from within the system Enable the permission "Can view pickup page" User Permission

Campaign Options

The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want my End Users to be able to download a static document from a campaign. In this situation, a material will be added as an asset to a Campaign and not a template. Campaign Item Configuration + Upload to Media Library

Template Options

The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want End Users to be able to select from different layouts within a single template A template composer can create the experience of enabling multiple layout choices with Section style groups/section style templates. This is useful for System Administrators who want to offer a variable number of events, agents, products or layout options Template Configuration + Section Style Set Up
I want my End Users to be able to choose from a set of headline/subhead/body copy options Create a content category with content items for each option and tie that content category to a template via a content link. Template Configuration + Content Database Configuration
I want End Users to be able to choose photos based on the copy that they chose The photo(s) must be in the same content item as the headline/subhead/body copy they chose. Content Database Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to add a text box and add their own text. 

Check the "Can Add Text" in the User Options area in the Campaign Management area.

Campaign Item Configuration + Template Configuration
I want my End Users to type in an open text field Add a Text tag to your template and toggle on the "Editable" option. Template Configuration
I want my End Users to select from a specified list of options Add a Select tag to your template and toggle on the "Editable" option. Template Configuration
I want my End Users to add information from their User record Add a User tag to your template and toggle on the "Editable" option. Template Configuration
I want my End Users to add information from their Location record Add a Location tag to your template and toggle on the "Editable" option. Template Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to style text (text they add to a text box Turn off Content Lock Template Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to style text (text they add via a Text, Select, User or Location tag) Enable User Styling Options when applying the tag Template Configuration
I want my End Users to be able add/delete pages, clone pages, change page title and change the page background color in a template. Check the "Can Add Pages" in the User Options area in the Campaign Management area. Campaign Item Configuration
I want my End Users to view a material as a form and not in the Studio Compose experience. This is a multiple step process
Check the "Form" option instead of "Studio" in the Campaign Item Management area
Optimize your template for "Form" view.
Campaign Item Configuration + Template Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to upload their own images into a template This is a two step process:
Check the "Can Add Images" in the User Options area in the Campaign Item Management area
Uncheck the "Content Lock" and toggle on "Can Upload"on the specific image layer
Campaign Item Configuration + Template Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to create custom sized materials Your team will need to create a dynamically sized template, which is a set of library template that produce a custom-sized materials for End Users.

Note: You can't convert an existing print template to be a dynamically sized template, but you can add additional library sizes over time.
Campaign Item Area + Multiple Template Installation

Approval, Download and Ordering Options

The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want my End Users to be able to download a grayscale version of a material Check the "Grayscale" option in the Campaign Item Management area. Campaign Item Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to have crop marks control. Check the "Crop Marks Control" option in the Campaign Item Management area. Campaign Item Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to download both a jpeg and a PDF Check the "JPEG" and "PDF" options in the Campaign Item Management area. Campaign Item Configuration
I want my End Users to be able to "direct download" (i.e. if a template requires no input from the end user, the end user can download their material in the campaign view as opposed to going into the template.) Toggle on the "Direct" option in the Campaign Item Management area. Note: If a template requires user input, this will not display as an option. Campaign Item Configuration
I want my end user to submit documents for approval before they're able to download a final document As a template installer, you can require End Users to submit for approval toggling on the "Require Approval?" in the Campaign Item Management area.  Campaign Item Configuration
I want my end user to be able to order printed materials from a brand-approved vendor Once your team has a print vendor integrated into your CampaignDrive instance and have all relevant pricing items installed in the Pricing Items table, the template installer will associate a pricing item to a campaign item in the Campaign Item Management area. This will give an end user the "order" option once they have finished a document. System Configuration + User Permission + Campaign Item Configuration
I want my document approvers to be able to approve print/digital documents Enable the permission "Can approve/reject print documents" User Permission
I want my document approvers to be able to approve HTML documents Enable the permission "Can approve/reject HTML documents" User Permission


The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want orders to be reviewed and approved before being sent to the vendor Under Billing Accounts, select Require Approval Configuration in Billing Accounts
I want to select approvers for certain billing accounts Under Billing Accounts, toggle "Active" to On and select the appropriate approvers. Configuration in Billing Accounts
I want to turn on "Low Account Balance" notifications and select who these notifications go to. Under Billing Accounts, toggle "Account Balances" to On, set a "balance notification amount" and select which users should be notified when a billing account reaches that amount. Configuration in Billing Accounts
I want to apply a vendor/vendors to a billing account Under Billing Accounts, select the appropriate vendors for those billing accounts. Configuration in Billing Accounts


The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want End Users to be able to manage their own assets Enable the permission "Can see Manage Assets" page User Permission
I want a select group of End Users to be able to upload assets Enable the permission "Can upload assets" User Permission
I want a select group of End Users to be able to upload admin only assets for use in template creation Enable the permission "Can upload admin only assets" User Permission
I want a select group of End Users to be able to edit and delete assets Enable the permissions "Can edit all assets" and "Can delete all assets" User Permission
I want a select group of End Users to be able to add new categories for asset organization Enable the permission "Can create/edit/delete asset categories" User Permission
I want a select group of End Users to be able to create/edit/delete key words Enable the permission "Can create/edit/delete asset keywords" User Permission
I want a select group of End Users to be able to view and use key words Enable the permission "Can view and use keywords" User Permission


The Desired Result How to Set It Up Platform Location
I want End Users to be able to share approved documents with other CampaignDrive users/locations Enable the following permissions "Can view Manage Documents page", "Can view print documents on the Manage Documents page", "Can view digital documents on Manage Documents page", "Can share approved print documents with users" and "Can share approved print documents with locations" User Permission
I want End Users to be able to share approved documents outside of CampaignDrive. Enable the permissions "Can view Manage Documents page", "Can view print documents on the Manage Documents page", "Can view digital documents on Manage Documents page", "Can Manage Boards" User Permission