Best Practices for Dynamically Sized Templates

  • If you are new to sizing rules, or are using a rule you are unfamiliar with, set up a “testing” template in a campaign hidden from end-users to practice/experience what the sizing rule does. 
  • It can be helpful to install one template first to test behavior before installing all of the library sizes. This can help find errors in sizing rules early.
  • It isn’t necessary that the sizing rules “match” for each template in a library set.  Sometimes a rule that works for a layer in one template doesn’t work for that layer in a different template.
  • Part of the “designing” of a dynamic template involves the re-sizing of components.  This is different from a static template. Elements such as logos, disclaimers and other text boxes need to maintain correct layouts as the template grows, which means having consistency across library templates.  Sometimes these changes are obvious, but other situations might not be obvious, or there might be conflicts between layouts (where the relationships aren’t consistent between library templates). This might require going back to the designer or agency for clarification.