Automatic Emails that CampaignDrive Sends on Behalf of System Administrators

These emails are built on translatable components that your team can customize.

Registration (sent to pending user upon registration request) 

“Your request for access to CampaignDrive has been received. Requests are normally reviewed within 24-48 hours of submission.”

“If you need access sooner than that, please contact”

Registration Approval (sent to pending user upon registration approval) 

“Welcome to CampaignDrive!”

“Please click” 

“to finish your registration.” 

“Notes from reviewer:” 

Registration Rejection (sent to pending user upon registration rejection) 

“We're sorry but your request for an account has been rejected. If you believe this to be a mistake, please contact” 

“Notes from reviewer:”  NOTE: This translation is the same as in the approval email. 

Registration Approver (sent to approvers upon registration request) 

“has requested access to the system.”

“Please click”  NOTE: This translation is the same as in the approval email. 

“to approve or reject this request.”

Shared Document (sent to user upon document shared with him/her) 

“The following document has been shared with you:”

“%Document% ID:”


“Shared By:”

“Date Created:”“Click”

“to reuse this document.”

Password Reset

“To reset your password for CampaignDrive, follow the link below:”

Billing Account Notification (sent to user upon billing account dipping below given threshold)

“The following billing account has dropped below your specified threshold of %balanceNotificationAmount%.”

“Account Name: %accountName%”

“Account #: %accountNumber%”

“Account Balance: %balance%”

“Please go to Manage Billing Accounts to make any adjustments. Thank you.”

Single Document Approved

“You successfully created a document! It is now available under”

Single Document Needs Approval

“You successfully submitted a document for approval”

“Please allow 3-4 business days for your document to be reviewed. You will receive an email when your document has been approved or if you need to make revisions. If you have any questions, please contact”
“Please make sure you mention the document information below when you contact Customer Support.”

Multiple Documents Approved

“You have successfully created the following documents:”

“They are now available under” 

Multiple Documents Need Approval

“The following documents have been submitted for approval:”