Asset Keywords

Keywords are the foundation for search and navigation in CampaignDrive and should mirror your team's language.

In addition to categories, keywords are a tool to help end users filter down the types of assets they're looking for.  CampaignDrive does not come pre-populated with keywords, as these are very unique to each company.  It is recommended that a keyword taxonomy be developed outside of CampaignDrive before implementing keywords, as keywords cannot be deleted once added, they can only be de-activated. 

How to Create and Deactivate Asset Keywords

Asset Keywords are located on the Asset Keywords tab of the Asset Management page (click on the Asset Management link on the Content tab.)

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Adding Keywords:

  1. Enter the keyword or key phase in the field on the right
  2. Click the Save button

After creating an asset keyword, it will be available on the Upload Assets page, the Edit Asset page, and the Browse Media Library page.

Deactivating Keywords:

You can't edit or delete an existing asset keyword. To deactivate an existing Asset Keyword, click on the Active On/Off toggle in the Keyword List.

Rules for Keywords

  • Keywords can have a max of 64 characters, including spaces and special characters.
  • When searching for a keyword, you must enter at least 3 characters for the type-ahead feature to work. Spaces count so preceding spaces can help find words with less than 3 characters (" an" will find "an").
  • You must enter keywords separately using the enter key; you can't use a comma or a space to separate keywords. For example, typing "Red, Ball" and then hitting enter will search for the keyword "Red, Ball" (provided that the keyword exists).
  • Text search is an OR search. If you search for the text "blue", your search results will display all assets with "blue" anywhere in the asset's title, description, or filename. If you then add a space and the word "square" to your text search, your search results will display assets containing EITHER "blue" or "square". The more keywords you add to the search filter, the more results you will have.

Keyword Permission Workflow

There are several different ways that permissions may be configured around the upload, maintenance, and use of assets.  For workflows that allow either End Users to upload assets to the Media Library or those that have different Admins for different workflows/processes, permissions may be set up to govern how users manage keywords when uploading assets. There are two permissions that control the workflow for creating and using asset keywords:

  • "Can view and use keywords" allows a user (an Admin or an End User) to add existing keywords to an asset on upload or when editing an asset they have uploaded but they cannot add new keywords. Users need this permission to see the Keyword filter user interface on the asset upload, asset detail, and the edit asset page.
  • “Can create/edit/delete asset keywords" allows a user (usually an admin) to add keywords to and grants access to the Asset Keywords tab of the Asset Management page. Users need to have the first permission "Can view and use keywords" to see the keywords area on the asset tagging, edit asset, or asset search results page, so, to enable this workflow, make sure that both permissions are turned on.