Asset Categories

Asset Categories are how admins create a folder structure to organize assets. Asset categories appear to the end user in the “Browse Media Library Tab” and to uploaders as options when uploading an asset or editing an asset.  Folders can be a single tier or be nested into other folders; each client's needs are different so the structure for how assets are organized will be unique to each client.

How to Create, Edit, and Delete Asset Categories

Asset Categories are located on the "Asset Categories" tab of the Asset Management" page. Click on the "Asset Management" link on the "Content" tab of the "Admin" page to get to the "Asset Management" page. 

CampaignDrive only comes with "User Images" as a default category; all other folders will need to be added by the system administrator. We recommend planning your folder structure outside of the platform, along with its segmentation strategy, before implementation. 


Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 3.56.13 PM

To add a new category:

  1. Click the "New Category" button
  2. Fill in all fields on the form on the right side of the page
  3. Click the "Save" button

 After creating an asset category, it will be visible/available on the "Upload Assets" page, the "Edit Asset" page, and the "Browse Media Library" page.

 To edit an existing category:

  1. Click on the Category name in the "Category List" on the left side of the page
  2. Make your changes in the "Category Details" area on the right side of the page
  3. Click the "Save" button

To delete a category:

Before you can delete an asset category, all assets must be deleted from the category. System administrators will not be allowed to delete a category if it still contains assets. 

  1. Go to the "Browse Media Library" page and search for all assets in the category and delete or move them out of the category.
  2. Click the category name in the category list
  3.  Click the "Delete" button

Asset Category Settings Explained

Parent: The parent dropdown can be used to nest folders inside other folders to create a relationship structure.  Children do not automatically take the settings of the parent.

Service:  A segmentation tool used to refine the user audience for folders and can be applied at the category level or at the asset level, or both. Note that, unlike elsewhere in CampaignDrive, only one service can be applied to an asset category.

Admin Only: Will make whole folders of assets invisible to end users, both in the Media Library AND within the Available Assets window in templates, but allow them to be available for admins to install templates.