System Administrator Workflow to Sharing/Unsharing Documents

System Administrators can share/unshare documents via the Documents Report

Typically, the sharing of documents is done by End Users from their My Documents page.  There is a way for Administrators to share documents without the need to log into an End User's individual account or switch to a particular location. 

The Documents Report, under the Reporting tab in the Admin section of the platform, displays all documents that have been created. This report can also be used to share any document that is in the report, as long as the administrator has the appropriate permission.

This feature is controlled by the permission Can share/unshare all available documents on the All Print Documents report. Admins with this permission  will be able to share pending and approved docs from the Documents Report with locations they have access to, as well as all users in those locations. Pending documents will be shared upon approval, as they normally would.

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Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 2.37.51 PM

Note that each user with permission to share documents will only ever see their own share selections. This is true for the Document Creator, the Document Approver, and the System Administrator with the permission to share/unshare all documents. Not even the System Administrator will see the selections made by the other users, even though the System Administrator's settings will override everyone else’s settings.