Additional Attributes

Customizing your user and location tables to fit your organization's template needs.

Additional attributes are custom attributes that system administrators add to a user's record or a location record to provide additional content for use in a template, such as phone numbers, title or any other meaningful attribute. Template installers will use "User" or "Location" tags to pull this information into a template. 

Additional attribute fields are added manually, however, the information inside the fields can be either added manually or automatically. Depending on the amount of users records, number of additional attributes and frequency of updates, site administrators might want to consider automating the management of additional attributes. 

To add a new additional attribute:

  1. Enter the name of the additional attribute
  2. Select whether the additional attribute will be a location or user field
  3. Click the "Submit" button

To delete an additional attribute:

Once an additional attribute is created, it can only be deleted. Delete the additional attribute on the "Manage Additional Attributes" page by clicking the trash can icon next to the additional attribute name you want to delete.

Best Practice: Prior to deleting an additional attribute, confirm that it is not being actively used in a template. It's recommended that teams track this information in creative analysis documents or in a separate document.