Adding/Updating Campaign Information

How to set up a new campaign or edit an existing one.

Accessing the Campaign Information Page Settings

New Campaign: Clicking on “+ Add a Campaign” from the Campaign Management page will bring up a menu to input information about the new Campaign.

Existing Campaign: Clicking on the name of the campaign OR the "Manage" button in the table row will bring up the Campaign Information page.  From this page, click the gear icon next to the campaign name to access the campaign information menu.

Campaign Information Page Fields

Some of the information will be visible to the End User and some of it will be used to control the visibility of the campaign. Items outlined in red are shown in the Campaign tile on the Campaigns page and are visible to the End User. Items outlined in blue are used to control the visibility of the campaign. Any item with an asterisk is required information.

  • Name: The Name of the Campaign
  • Priority: The order in which the Campaign is displayed on the Campaigns Page.  Lowest order is “0” and campaigns with the same priority order are displayed in alphabetical order.
  • Start Date: The date on which the campaign should begin. If no start date, campaign is visible immediately.
  • End Date: the date on which the campaign should end.  If  end date is blank, campaign will be visible indefinitely.
  • If both start and end date are blank, the campaign is available immediately and always.
  • Short Description: text displayed on the campaign tile with information about the campaign.
  • Campaign Thumbnail: A small representational image of the campaign.
  • Long Description: Used in conjunction with the Long Description Link to display additional information about the campaign. This text displays within a pop-up window when the “Long Description Link” is clicked.
  • Long Description Link: text to represent a link at the bottom of the tile. When this text is clicked, a pop-up appears with additional information.
  • Long Description Text: the text that will be displayed when a user clicks the “Long Description Link.”
  • Batch: Used to enable batch generation of templates. Used in conjunction with the “form” template experience. 
  • Regions/Services: Used to control the visibility of the campaign.