Adding New Campaign Items

Walkthrough on how to add campaign items to a campaign.

Adding New Button

Click the  Add New button to add content to the campaign. Assets and templates are called Campaign Items.  Clicking this button will bring up a dropdown to select which type you wish to add:

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Adding a  Campaign

Select Campaign to add a new campaign within this campaign. We call campaigns inside other campaigns “nested” campaigns. A campaign may only be nested within one campaign at a time.

Once selected, a form field will appear with a list of  ALL the campaigns in this brand on your system. Campaigns unavailable for nesting show as greyed out and campaigns available for nesting will show up in black text. 

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Select the campaign you wish to add from the list and it will appear in the form field.

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Click the Save button and it will be added to the campaign. Note that the campaign indicator has turned green, indicating that the campaign has content and is active.  The new campaign shows in the list on the left side of the page. Clicking on the name of the campaign will take you to that campaign for editing and clicking on the trashcan will remove it. Note: Clicking the trash can icon does not delete the campaign, it just removes the nesting association to the other campaign.


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Adding an Asset or Template

To add an asset or template, click Add New button and select Campaign Item. When this selection is made, a new form appears on the right side of the page to enter the information about the asset or template. Many of these fields are the same for all item types, but some will change or become unavailable when different types are selected.

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There are 3 sections to the form. Any field with a red asterisk is required.

  • Key Information
  • User Display
  • User Options

Once all the information is filled out, the  Campaign Item will then appear on the left side of the Campaign Information page in the list.