Dynamic Sizing: Adding Library Templates to a Campaign

The upload and installation of library templates is exactly the same as any other template.  Content management can be applied to these templates just like any other including content groups, content links and section styles.  Once the library templates are grouped together in a campaign they become a "dynamic template" and the end user interface for the dynamic sizing will become active.

Master Templates

Upload the library templates using the method of preference. Complete any content management needed for text and images. The next step is to add the templates to a campaign.

Adding Library Templates to a Campaign

The process of adding a dynamically sized template to a campaign is very similar to adding any other template. After you select "Item Type", you will toggle on the “Dynamically Sized?” switch to activate the feature. This alerts the system that this is a dynamic template.  This MUST be done when the template is first added to the campaign. 

Once this switch is active, the “Master Template” selection becomes a drop-down and you can select from multiple templates instead of just one. At least one Library Template must be added when the dynamic template is created.  Other library sizes may be added later, as long as the first template is activated as a dynamically-sized template.