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Picture of Charles Groome
By Charles Groome on January 21, 2014

Pica9 is on the Map!

PicturePica9 is honored to have been recognized on Chiefmartec’s 2014 Marketing Technology Landscape, published earlier this month.

Chiefmartec.com is a marketing and technology blog created and run by Scott Brinker, an entrepreneur in the field. Scott created the supergraphic, “to illustrate how incredibly diverse and vibrant the marketing technology ecosystem is.” It includes over 900 companies and is structured around what he identifies as the six classes of marketing technology. They are: Internet, Infrastructure, Marketing Backbone Platforms, Marketing Middleware, Marketing Experiences, and Marketing Operations (Pica9 fits in here).

He last created a similar infographic in 2012.

Comparing 2014’s graphic to earlier versions, it’s remarkable to see how much the landscape has changed in just the last couple of years.

Scott acknowledges these categories are flexible and fluid, explaining that he grouped the featured companies based on what he believes are currently the most useful distinctions.

Published by Charles Groome January 21, 2014
Charles Groome