Amalia, a small-town franchisee of an internationally-known brand, stared at her operations spreadsheets and sighed quietly. It had been a rough quart...
Today’s brands need digital marketing. Modern consumers are “mobile-first,” or using their smartphones as a primary tool for connecting with the compa...
The cost of non-compliance is always high, and most likely much higher than you think. Recent legal action by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ...
A decade ago, marketing resource management (MRM) technology was the platform of choice for enterprise organizations. Today, the enterprise marketing ...
In today's competitive marketing landscape, finding the right tools to manage people, processes, and resources is crucial for success. This is especia...
As a distributed brand marketer, you're under pressure to create meaningful conversations with many different types of customers. To create meaningful...
Today’s marketers are investing more in digital marketing technology than they were a decade ago, yet there is little reason to believe that print, or...
If you place a Pizza Hut order in Korea, you can order a bulgogi pizza. Canadians have access to poutine or maple bacon pizzas. Hong Kong residents ma...