To maximize marketplace competitiveness, the most successful multi-located brands are producing more creative and marketing assets than ever before. N...
In the late 1980s, brand equity emerged as a topic of discussion among industry-leading, multi-located enterprises. In most instances, brands with pos...
As a distributed brand manager, you know that print marketing isn’t going anywhere. From direct mail pieces to in-store signage, research continues to...
Have you considered investing in a cloud digital asset management system for your multi-located brand? More than 70% of businesses and organizations u...
Is marketing and creative misalignment plaguing your multi-located brand? For any enterprise brand, driving local brand compliance is an integral comp...
Are you proud of your brand? In recent years, an increasing number of distributed brands have prioritized marketing activities that bolster brand equi...
You just invested in a distributed marketing automation tool – now what? What do you need to know right now to escalate the creative potential of the ...
How often has your brand management team poured heart, soul, and budget into a campaign that your local affiliates don't care about? Watching marketin...