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Local Marketing Automation: Explained

Local Marketing Automation Gleanster Report

According to 78% of top performers, the #1 to maximize the value of local marketing automation investments it to increase the intimacy of corporate and local marketing automation. 

 Corporate marketers that manage multi-channel communications know the difficulty of managing brand consistency at the local level. Add in antiquated marketing systems, disorganized processes, and outdated technologies, and the problem only compounds for companies across the country.

Local marketing automation and marketing asset management tools address the unique nuances of the distributed marketing environment.

In this eBook, we will uncover solutions for distributed marketing processes and explain:

  • Why legacy marketing technologies are not the best solution for distributed marketers.
  • How an emerging class of local marketing automation is enabling better business decisions.
  • Recommendations for reaching more targeted audiences and why some local marketing initiatives fail.

Download the Local Marketing Automation eBook and discover the unique benefits of marketing asset management compared to traditional campaign execution tools.

Maximize Customer Engagement Across Corporate and Local Marketing